Thursday 24 January 2013

Training for Everest Base Camp

The trek to Everest Base Camp is not difficult, but that does not been it can be taken lightly. I have had this journey many times, some are easier than others, and the altitude and bodies acclimatisation to the lack of oxygen is the real key to success. Cover the daily distances as slowly as possible, be the last person into camp, don't over exert the body, a relaxed, slow walk will aid your bodies adjustment.

If you walk in the hills and avid hillwalker on a weekly basis, you should have the conditioning needed for the Trek. It is vital to be out walking in the hills in your chosen trekking boots 4 - 6 months in advance. Also adding in some gym work if you do not have access to hills and mountains. We have training schedules for this and can talk you through this and make sure you are taking the right steps to succeeding at your chosen adventure.

The trail starts at 9,000 ft walking up to 17,500 ft spread over 8 days to reach this height. The distances can be up to 15km (10miles) a day. Most days are less than this. It is really important that you are used to walking these kinds of distances on a regular basis with added weight to give better conditioning to your legs at sea level or at home, whatever level that is better to go to thinner air.

Warmest time to Trek?  May
Climbers are living in Base Camp?   April / May
Clearest sky's? September, October, November
Most snow? July / August
We are looking to add in Island peak? Climb in April/ May or September / October
Can we Trek in July & August? No flights into the region, this is rainy season
What is Kathamdu like? An Amazing city
Do most people make it to Base Camp? We have 100% success so far.

For more information about altitude, training, Everest BC Trek feel free to call or e-mail us today. 

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